all I want for Christmas

I need to hang this up and see how many of them I can do . . . is every day too often?

Clark Lane: This Season…:

I so wish I could take credit for writing this, but I can’t. I’ve had it for years, and I think it may have been from an ad, as no author is cited. It resides in a Christmas ornament box, dog-eared and yellowed, and I mist up every year when I read it.

  • Mend a quarrel.
  • Seek out a forgotten friend.
  • Dismiss suspicion, and replace it with trust.
  • Write a love letter.
  • Share some treasure.
  • Give a soft answer.
  • Encourage youth.
  • Manifest your loyalty in word and deed.
  • Keep a promise.
  • Find the time.
  • Forego a grudge.
  • Forgive an enemy.
  • Listen.
  • Apologize if you were wrong.
  • Try to understand.
  • Flout envy.
  • Examine your demands on others.
  • Think first of someone else.
  • Appreciate.
  • Be kind.
  • Be gentle.
  • Laugh a little.
  • Laugh a little more.
  • Deserve confidence.
  • Take up arms against malice.
  • Decry complacency.
  • Express your gratitude.
  • Welcome a stranger.
  • Gladden the heart of a child.
  • Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth.

the essence of wingnuttery

The Carpetbagger Report » Blog Archive » John Gibson goes berserk — on air and off:

The question:”why are wingnuts so angry” is backwards, the question should be phrased “what attracts angry people to reactionary political positions”? Throughout history angry frustrated men (and usually predominantly men) gravitate to reactionary paranoid politics. It doesn’t have to be “right-wing” per se, in the ex-Soviet Union it was precisely these sort of people who were the strongest supporters of the Communist Party – because they could trust it to “beat” their enemies and anyone who threatened them by being different. Angry people need to find external enemies because no-one wants to blame themselves for their own unhappiness.

I hate it when other people get to the conclusion I have been groping for before me . . . nah, I’m not that clever, though I think this comment hits it on the head.