not a token but certainly a cipher

Did anyone read this and think about some kind of wildlife — beavers or bears — as what was referred to?

Working in tandem with our city departments, we will humanely relocate the individuals living at the location and clean up the area to protect the health of the Thornton Creek Watershed.

What would happen if they didn’t want to be relocated or if they returned? Would they be euthanized, like that bear in Ovando MT last summer?

And this…

Even Mayor Teargas kept her distance from the inappropriately named chief of police. Failing upward is how it works for some. I would be too embarrassed to show my face after my role in the summer of 2020, were I the chief of police at that time, but I think that precludes me from seeking public office.

At some point you have to wonder what one would have to do to be shunned…the old saw about being caught with a dead girl or a live boy no longer holds up, I suppose. Even that could be excused…as long as you maintain your connections to power, your own and that of others, everything can be excused.

* on the word cipher: The mathematical symbol (0) denoting absence of quantity; zero.

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