who are cities for?

It’s tempting to draw lines on a map, but we can’t forget that cities should be designed for the people who live there

Cities are designed for the people who own them, who own the land and property in the city. All the changes that need to be made, to zoning and land use, will affect land and property owners. And given how much people depend on the value of their land, not just as speculators but to ensure a comfortable retirement, any proposed change to that will sound like an orchestra of scalded cats.

A well-designed land value tax/leasehold system would actually lower the barrier to home ownership while recouping the unearned value of commercial property but that means not getting that unearned value in residential property…people love to say their home value has increased by $X but a look at the property tax rolls will show that the value is in the land, all unearned.

It would be better if cities were more like a co-op where everyone had a stake in the land and how it was used, with idle land forced into productive use and speculative windfalls recaptured by the real investors — the taxpayers.

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