I really really really *&(*&^*^& hate Comcast

I was re-organizing the office/data center/room full ‘o cables today and needed to reboot the router/internet server. Judge of my amazement when Comcast refused to supply a new network address for it. How do I know it’s that and not something else? Easy: I plugged in my iBook, got a different address, and all was … Continue reading “I really really really *&(*&^*^& hate Comcast”

I hate Comcast: intermittent outages likely

They dropped my service twice yesterday and so far once today. For some reason, traffic just stops flowing and nothing short of rebooting both the cable modem and the server will resolve it. The cable modem seems unable to re-establish the flow of bits to the external interface and using dhclient(8) to try dropping and … Continue reading “I hate Comcast: intermittent outages likely”