Want Sandy? Tough. She’s quitting.

Users of the popular (10,000 users or so) reminder/organization service will have to go back to pen, paper, and forgetting pretty soon.

Today marks a fork in the road for this particular startup. Values of n, the company behind Stikkit and I Want Sandy, will be closing its doors. Both services will going offline at close of business (5pm PST) on Monday December 8th, 2008.

[From Values of n Blog: A fork in the road]

My comments to that post:

I feel like all the input and suggestions made by Sandy users, as well as the day-to-day reliance on it (how else to make it better) is being dropped on the floor. I guess ownership is a vague concept in web services. Does the person who owns the rackspace own the service? Or is it the people who actually make renting the rackspace necessary? Or is the programmers who built it, not knowing how it would work in real life?

Yes, the service is free, but no one asked the users who added value by engaging with it to pay for it or otherwise keep it going.

I will be thinking twice about any other services like this: I hadn’t really gotten one before this and it seems unlikely I will again.

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